Here are some RAW facts about some essential RAW foods and more:

Healthiest oil: Flaxseed oil (flavorless, keep in fridge, eat w/out cooking on salads, on grains, etc.) – has omega 3 fatty acids, is associated with telomeres one standard deviation above normal length, reduces inflammation/eczema, boosts metabolism

xxx Palm Oil xxx: Do not eat this shit, beware it’s in everything. -one of the world’s leading causes of rainforest destruction

Prebiotics: Dandelion greens, avocado, peas and more – prebiotics, as in the food for your microbiome or gut bacteria, approximately 3lb organ in your body that assists in regulating seratonin, preventing diseases, digesting food, other amazing functions

Recommended workout for optimal health: 45 minutes of sustained cardio 3x/week. Add stretches and muscle-building on other days.

xxx Sugar xxx: Sadly, ain’t we all addicted -#1 metabolism slower, big sugar interests are also creepy


Personal Favorites

Coffee: Fair trade, drunk black through a *reusable straw to preserve those pearly white – reduces cognitive decline, liver disease, melanoma, and oxidative stress in blood (disclaimer: perhaps biased evidence affirming my addiction)

Dancing: Burns more calories than running and increases social ties

Fasting: Eat only between hours of noon-9pm – higher functioning cognitive abilities, longer life-span, clean digestion

Grapefruit: blocks reuptake receptors that in turn, concentrates medicines in the body

Green tea: Add some coconut oil and enriched almond milk for a delicious matcha latte! – oil lines the stomach to prevent caffeine overload, almond milk has vitamin D for the Vegans

“Healthy” alcoholic drink: Tequila soda w/ lime (not tonic – which has similar stats to soda surprisingly)

Kombucha: a dank prebiotic

Pillz: B12, This Vegan Supplement, Piracetam – increase bloodflow in brain, Psyllium Husk – binds to toxins in bloodstream